Welcometo and/to gain pleasure from, use and knowledge of Thailand from the infoThai.se and paviljongen.nu websites/portals soon to become the essential and indispensable information centre portals for all you with Thailand in mind.These new ambitious portals with innovative ideas, concepts and moves will enhance the value of your visit or stay in "The Land of Suvanabhumi"/"The Golden Land" (of) Thailand. infoThai and paviljongen aim at becoming the All-in-One Instant Internet Gateway to Thailand offering quantity and appropriate and quality info for all users, visitors and residents of Thailand. infoThai is building on our experience in creating, building and successfully launching a similar operation and portal in Sweden, which gave us invaluable knowledge about user needs, user-friendliness and how to produce portals that succeed on the Internet as we now aim to reach further into this more than interesting infoThai venture. If you are in any way connecting with or having knowledge of Thailand, infoThai and paviljongen welcome you who have information, articles, photos and other contributions, as well as proposals for partnership. We offer opportunities for e-commerce, a number of advertising venues, affiliation and business partnerships as well as sponsorships. We at infoThai and paviljongen hope that we have given you a fairly clear idea of our intentions and pursuits, and your prospects joining with infoThai.se and paviljongen.nu. Yours sincerely Marcus Persson och Lennart Nordström marcus.persson (at) paviljongen.nu lennart.nordstrom (at) paviljongen.nu Close Friend's Company - Thailand's Prime Minister Chuan Leekpai and Lennart Nordström (©2000 Lennart Nordström - Photo by Lance Woodruff, USA) |